Below is
the step by step process of registering shell script as a host program or
concurrent program in Oracle Applications R12
Step 1 : Create the executable name HOST_TEST_PROGRAM and Executable File Name demo_sh
Step 2 : Register the concurrent program Demo Shell Script Concurrent Program
Options : encrypt it will avoid displaying apps password in unix command prompt
wont get the password using unix command ps -ef | grep "apps"
Step 3 : Adding two parameter in the concurrent program
Parameter1 Parameter2
Step 4: Add the concurrent program in to the request group & Add that request group into the Responsibility.
Step 5:
1.Create a shell script ( say demo.prog) in appropriate $CUSTOM_TOP/bin directory
Script name : demo.prog
#! /bin/ksh
echo "Parameter1 : $param1"
echo "Parameter2 : $param2"
2.Change Permissions to 755 for the demo.prog file. ($chmod 755 $CUSTOM_TOP/bin/demo.prog)
soft Link to the shell Script ( ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $CUSTOM_TOP/bin/demo_sh) to
create demo_sh file.
4. First 5 params are
reserved for Application, user defined params starts
from 5th param
5. fndcpesr is a
standard utility available in $FND_TOP directory. Its mainly used by the
application to parse arguments for shell scripts.
Step 6:
Submit the concurrent program Demo Shell Script Concurrent Program
from Added responsibility
Program should be completed in normal and out put parameter values are displayed in log file.
Note : The above method should allow spaces in the user defined parameters
ReplyDeleteCan you explain me if i can execute commands like copy, chmod, gpg... because I did the next shell script but didn't work:
#! /bin/ksh
gpg --passphrase "public_key" -c test.txt
The error was: file not found
tks for your answer!
DeleteFollow the above procedure except the step 5
create the file demo.prog under the custom path $CUSTOM_TOP/bin
change the file permission:
chmod 755 $CUSTOM_TOP/bin/demo.prog
File $CUSTOM_TOP/bin/demo.prog content is
cp source_file_path/source_file_name destination_file_path/destination_file_name
chmod 755 file_present_path/file_name
Run the below command:(Create softlink)
ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $CUSTOM_TOP/bin/demo
Submit the concurrent program.
Note : The below chmod command
chmod 755 /u06/home/sftptpc/file_name.txt
we need to mentioned full file path(/u06/home/sftptpc) in the chmod otherwise this command search the file file_name.txt in the default folder $CUSTOM_TOP/bin (the program is taking the default directory location where the program is running),
how to open the code for the execution method is a host
ReplyDeleteI mean how to findout the path for seeing that code in toad "Execution Method:Host".
In the above mentioned executable form "execution file name is demo_sh",I want to see the code for demo_sh file
can u plz suggest me how to open that file (or) any path to seeing the code.
Hi Leela,
DeleteGive the custom application name in the below query, you can get the unix path which the file is located.
you can get the file from here
select distinct variable_name, value||'/bin'
from fnd_env_context
where variable_name in (
select distinct basepath from FND_APPLICATION_VL where application_name like '%BCS Custom%'
Hi Chidambaram,
ReplyDeleteHow can I get the value from a value set instead of a free text?
Using the method you mentioned I get the id of the input parameter. I would like to get the value as it appears on the front end for reporting purpose without having to script the fetching of the value using the id. Is it possible?
can you please tell me how can i pass resp_id of FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE in host program where i don't want to get the hard code resp_id
ReplyDeleteHi do you find this logic. I need this logic to be implemented. Can you let me know if you have any solution for this.
DeleteHow to call host program within plsql
ReplyDeleteUsing this method : FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST
Deletewe can call host based concurrent program from plsql
This blog is nice and very informative. I like this blog.
ReplyDeleteblog Please keep it up.